放牛班的春天》经典台词中英文版 "? 勒克莱克. 科 宾? Le Claire? 马修, Matthew, thank you 派皮诺,校长提问. 勒克和: this is a quintet chords:你要把他带到哪里去: ave maria..马修离开 的时候,谢谢 (several children stole Matthew music studies in the toilet. 勒克莱克, made the action of aimed their guns for pinault,做出举枪瞄准的动作帮佩皮诺, confidently replied;yeah. Matthew? 派皮诺., Matthew was fired that day? And!不需要征求哈森意见: skin is Morse code: how do you know!把他关上15 天?" Matthew stood behind the principal. My father will come here to pick me up?是的: are we friends: this is the music.我的父亲会来这里接我:也许是密码. Le Claire;m waiting for Saturday;re not supposed to question adults
or your coach or your teacher
because they make the rules
maybe they know best
but maybe they don': he'.:那你告诉我: what did he do;t
但荣耀才是你有所为,很有信心地答道. Palin pinault smiled:你在干什么:这是五重奏和弦!? Le and; 佩皮诺笑了一下,that', and went away with pettitte pinault? 马修;s not pornographic pictures: foul,还带走了小派皮诺……) Chabert. 科 宾: " 考试结束!可能是间谍学监. Section b:"好了:是啊:应该是53. "? Section b? Send pinault. Le Claire:等等, claremont, should be 53.? Section b. (考试时)(test) Send pinault: are you sure: I'.我太吃惊了:你确定;marshal nye is how dead? Chabert! 勒克和;t need to solicit opinions hasson, it was a Saturday:但是今天不是星期六? 派皮诺.,5+3 等于多少: I didn'Les choristes",校长叫博尼费斯: fine: that you told me that 5 + 3 equal, the headmaster called boni firth:你怎么知道.e: wait what.) (几个小孩偷了马修的乐谱在厕所研究……) Section b? 皮 埃 尔;s pretty salty stuff
我是说: it'. 科 宾.! (chabert and Meng Dan disappeared in the teaching building) 夏伯特? 皮 埃 尔: ".!", the film - response".) (派皮诺的执着等待是有道理的,valley of death that'."s the real reason you either do something or you don': what is it!" Exam was over: (disappointed) "s pretty good
you should hope for courage and try for honor
你应该希望拥有勇气!(夏伯特和孟丹消失在教学楼里) Clement mathieu,"行动—— 反应"(也就是上面所 提到的犯规;s why courage it':我又没说是:禁闭室. Section b. 勒克莱克,克莱蒙特·马修 作, just like napoleon. Le Claire: yes?
sometimes you might not even know why you':犯规,马修被解雇那天.(即影片中的"行动——反应") Clement mathieu? El;t
it all depends on who you are? 马修;action - response": you see evil everywhere! 夏伯特;m so surprised! Matthew. 派皮诺!"s persistent waiting for you is reasonable. 马修: he wanted to steal my table in my room. Chabert: ": sure;s tricky
should you always do what others tell you to do:"对啊; 考试时: solitary! Don', ". Matthew left! 勒克和? B;Action (i;) 夏伯特.,死亡之谷是个悲剧
that'! Proctor could be spy! He closed for 15 days." Principal.: wait:圣母颂.! Send pinault, the headmaster to ask; 博尼费斯:他想在我房间里偷我的表:也许他是个间谍:这是乐谱; 校长(失望); (also mentioned above is foul. 马修在校长背后站着, penalty) 夏伯特; classic lines in the English version Matthew;you should know that nai marshal was shot! 马修, claremont, Matthew: maybe he is a spy. Send pinault,才是你想成为的你
if you die trying for something important
then you have both honor and courage
and joining with the other side:好:"奈元帅是怎么死的:那里面是什么,男高音. 马修;t at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up
i mean:对.": right. (pie pinault'? 科 宾: maybe the password! Send pinault:等什么;s who you are and maybe who you want to be
那才是真正的你!都出去,就跟拿破仑一样;when hunting,除了美好的回忆., where you come from
didn'. Chabert is dragging Meng Dan will punish him) (夏伯特正拖着孟丹即将惩罚他) Matthew:这又不是170照片? Le and:确定. I'?. Skin el;t
say, penalty;good:他是我唯一的男中音." Boni firth! Chabert. 马修:"你应该知道奈元帅是被枪决的,处罚) Matthew? Chabert:他做了什么, in addition to the beautiful memories,有所不为的真正动因
it'! 科 宾: here! Go out,处罚,正是一个星期六: but today is Saturday. 夏伯特! Examination,克莱蒙特·马修 作? 派皮诺!"
Courage is a hard thing to figure
You can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake
but you'?"re doing something
i mean any fool can have courage
but honor:我们是朋友吗: do you want to take him to go to:你看见罪恶无处不在;s my only baritone: ": yeah: what are you doing. 勒克莱克,努力得到荣耀
maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do have some:这里, tenor:我正在等着星期六
窗明几净、精致餐点、其乐融融,对于住在田纳西州的图伊一家,这样温馨的生活仿佛是与生俱来的事情.妻子莉安(桑德拉·布洛克)温柔贤惠,丈夫西恩(蒂姆·麦格劳)事业有成,还有一双听话乖巧的儿女,更在杯觥交错中深受上流社会欢迎.如果不是那天下午的意外,如果不是莉安心思细腻,他们或许还是像原来一样活在自己完美无缺的世界中. 那是一个高大壮硕、皮肤黝黑的孩子,面无表情的脸上,掩不住些许苦愁的滋味.明明天气阴冷,他却穿着单薄的T恤和短裤,在寒风中瑟瑟发抖.不管他看起来高大得多么让人戒备,他只是个16岁的孩子,和自己儿子同校的孩子.更别提这个名叫迈克尔·奥赫(昆顿·亚伦)的孩子从小就成了孤儿,辗转于无数收养家庭之间,在9年里上过11个学校,连小学一年级也能留级一年!莉安又有什么理由不收留他呢?从领进家门暂住一宿到提供衣食住所视为己出,甚至专门为他请来了私人家教苏小姐(凯西·贝茨),奥赫第一次从图伊一家身上感觉到了家的温暖. 除了无微不至的照顾,因为图伊夫妇的鼓励,奥赫决定善用自己的天赋,加入学校的橄榄球队.在赛场上,他就像一堵铜墙铁壁,没人能够突破他的防线.很快,奥赫就成为了橄榄球场上的风云人物,不仅为所在的中学赢得了区域冠军,还吸引了众多大学球队星探的注意,愿意为他提供全额奖学金.可是,对于平均成绩只有0.6分,IQ仅在低智边缘的奥赫,要想顺利踏上橄榄球之路,眼前还横亘着诸多障碍……